
History of the bureau


The Public Health Bureau of Klaipėda District Municipality is a budgetary municipal public health care agency of the Lithuanian national health care system that implements state and independent public health care functions and is financed from the state and municipal budget appropriations. The Bureau has been operating since 12 December 2006. The main activity of the Bureau is the provision of public health care services to the residents of Klaipėda District Municipality, Skuodas District Municipality and Rietavas Municipality. The financial year of the Bureau coincides with the calendar year.

The main objective of activities of the Bureau is to take care of the health of the municipality residents and to perform public health care functions in the municipal territory, as regulated by the laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, in order to reduce mortality and morbidity of the residents and to improve the quality of their life.


Following the submission of the application in 2019, the Bureau has been accredited by the European Voluntary Service and is entitled to accept international volunteers.

A cooperation agreement has been signed with the Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences for the assessment of the oral hygiene status in the children of Klaipėda district and for teaching parents about appropriate oral hygiene for children. The activities are to start in 2020.

Every year, the Bureau ensures the implementation of the compulsory health training requirements according to the Bureau’s activity license – employees participate in mandatory refresher courses.

Acknowledgments and Awards

In 2019, Klaipėda District Municipality received the Auksinė krivūlė award for public health care.

In 2018, the Apskritasis stalas (Round Table) Association of Youth Organisations and the Youth Affairs Council of Klaipėda District presented the Bureau with the Youth Partner of the Year award for active work with young people.

In 2013, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania and the Centre for Disease Prevention presented the Bureau with an award for the significant work in giving meaning to the initiatives relating to youth health and employment, and the participation in the Kai mūsų širdys plaka išvien (When our Hearts Beat Together) national event of the year 2013, which was declared to be the Year of Health.

In 2011, the Klaipėda District Municipality Administration presented the Bureau with an award for active work in the field of disease prevention and health promotion of Klaipėda District residents.

In 2019, the University of the Third Age presented an acknowledgement for cooperation, wellness programmes, inspiration to be healthy, and promotion of active sports.

The National Blood Centre presented an acknowledgement for the dissemination of blood donation ideas and for assistance in developing the activities of the National Blood Centre.

The community of Kisiniai Village thanked the Bureau for its support in organising the Tu gali (You Can) health festival.

The community of Kisiniai Village thanked the Bureau for its support in organising the Tu gali (You Can) health festival.

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